I love your strength. I am so proud of the fact that you are willing to sit through hours and hours of treatments each day when I know you would rather be playing. I am so proud of you when you let doctors swab you, feel around on you, stick devices on you and even stick you with needles without crying. I am so proud of you when you fall down or bonk your head and get right back up again without missing a beat. I love that the strong mind you possess will take you far in life and far beyond any limitations that your disease may present. Your strength amazes me.
I love your compassion. I am so proud when your teachers tell me that you are the comforter in the class. I am so proud when another child's mommy tells me thank you for what you have done to help her son in class. I love that you are so concerned when you can tell that I am sad. I love that in those times, I find you rubbing my shoulder and giving me pats. Your compassion fills me with joy.
I love that you have your daddy's athleticism. I am so proud that you were moved up to the three-year-old class at gymnastics at the age of 2 1/2. I love that you can already climb the rope wall by yourself and that you are brave enough to try out the zipline all alone when no one is there to help. (Ok, I'm not gonna lie. That last one also freaked me out a bit! Freaked but proud.) I love that you can outrun me in our games of "I'm gonna get you" and that you can already send a soccerball sailing across the backyard.
I love that you like busting a move to Britney Spears with me and I love that you taught yourself to break dance. I love that when we were in Baby Gap you pointed out a dress and said "Oh, momma, that is just darling". I love that you are already starting to sing harmonies. I love that you love queso and chocolate as much as I do. I love that you will sit perfectly still and let me braid your hair five different ways only to end up wearing it down. I love that you have figured out how to bargain with me ("Just one more Capri Sun, Momma, and that's enough"). I love that you are as obsessed with lipgloss as I am (you just need to stop using my Bobbi Brown, child!) I love that, when I take you to the grocery store, you wave and say "Hi" to everyone in the parking lot. I love that you painted an entire "mountain series" with watercolors. I love that you are observant enough to point out the days I'm not wearing earrings. I love that your own form of dance is so special and unique that you were bored to tears in ballet class. I love that when I walk into the living room on Sunday mornings (the one day of the week I'm fully made up) you always tell me I look beautiful. I love that, at the age of two, you already can work my IPhone as well as I can. I love that you feel the need to point out every stop sign and every redbud tree that you see when we're out and about. I love that when you "read" yourself a book the words are always "I love Jesus and Jesus loves me and Jesus told me....and I told Jesus...". I love that you and I can quietly look into each others eyes and, without words, convey our feelings to one another.
I love that God found me worthy to be your momma.
Most of all, I love you.

that is a precious post! I'm going to copy that idea someday. My favorite part is the ballet class. Love her!