my new header. I love designing stuff on my computer. It is fun for me to design invitations and stationery orders for friends but mostly I find myself designing for no reason - designing things I will never use. It's theraputic for me somehow to create a bunch of little polka-dots or cut out the image of a flower with my mouse. It's the same with painting. So a couple of days ago I decided I would "pimp my blog", as my friend Molly says, and the blogs of my friends (see Ordinary Days, Diapers and Dishes. Others in progress) because apparently I had nothing else I needed to be doing. It is fun for me and I love being able to do things for my friends. But here's the problem with my artistic side......I can't shut it off. There can be a million things I need to do around the house and I am instead painting a flower pot in leopard print. It's like I have artistic ADD. Today I was walking to the laundry room with a pile of dirty clothes when I noticed that my brown leather magazine holder would look supercute with a cream fleur de lis painted on the front of it. I put down the laundry right there and went for my paint brush. By the grace of God, (I mean that literally because I have been praying for help in the housework department. Me actually doing it, I mean, not that angels would swoop down and do it for me.) I stopped, realized I was having a weak moment of screwed up priorites, and put the brush back. So I have laundry that is clean and no fleur de lis. It's a step in the right direction I would say. Now I just need to go and fold it....
you crack me up!! Good for you for realizing the "weak" moment! P.S. the bags of clothes are sooooo cute! Macy's wearing one tomorrow for her Easter party! :)