Ryan and I are so blessed right now that Hayden's health is strong. The reality is, however, cystic fibrosis is a deadly disease. I like to try to forget that and just focus on the positives but that is the truth. Last year we lost a nine-year-old little boy to CF here locally. Three years ago we lost a woman in her early twenties. Now I need you to help me pray that we do not lose another. Some of you reading this have heard me talk about Allie. She is a young, vibrant college student and from the very beginning of Hayden's life I have been very attached to her. Her father was one of the first ones to introduce himself to us at a CF benefit and we have been following her story ever since. Other than Hayden, Allie was the first face I could put with CF . Her parents say that Hayden is so much like Allie: funny, energetic and stubborn! They have even called her "Little Allie" before. I look at Allie and I see Hayden. She means more to me than she will ever know. In 2007, Allie finally received a much needed lung transplant. So many of us were on pins and needles for months while they waited for the good news that lungs had become available. Every time I saw I had an email from her father I was almost scared to open it. I wasn't sure whether it was going to be good news or bad. I will never forget how hard I cried when I found out she was having the transplant! At last year's Great Strides walk I actually got to meet her for the first time. For me, it was like meeting a celebrity or something. I almost couldn't believe she was there and that I was getting to talk to her. She has been such a symbol of hope for me throughout these last three years. Allie just posted a health update on her Facebook page. She went back to North Carolina (she had her transplant there) for a check up. The doctors discovered that she is having rejection - a rare type where her antibodies are attacking the donor lungs. Currently there are no anti-rejection medications available for lung transplants. The following is from her Facebook page: "
I will receive a central line catheter (IV in heart) and get something called blood phoresis. This will take all of my antibodies out of my system and put in new good antibodies. Like a blood exchange. They will then follow up with immunogobulin (IVIG its like a protein) AND THEN finally after these treatments are done they will hit me hard with the final IV antibiotic called Rituximab on April 13th. This is all totally going to kill my immune system so I'll probably be very weak for a little while. This is all brand new research they have just found this year so its a big deal!"Please pray for Allie. Pray for her to keep up her strength and her fight. Pray that the doctors can successfully stop the rejection of her lungs. Pray for her family that they can stay strong through this tough time. Pray that Allie will feel all the love surrounding her. Please pray.
Alyssa, I just found your blog. I had no idea you had this! I will most definitely be praying for Allie. I know as a CF family, that is especially hard to watch. We love you guys!