You know the ones. The moments when you realize it's really quiet in your house and it shouldn't be. Yeah, that happened today. I was back in my bedroom when I noticed I couldn't hear Hayden anymore and I didn't have to go far to find her. I turned the corner into the kitchen and found her standing in the pantry playing with my FOOD COLORING! She had moved the trash can out, moved her stool in and gotten down the box of neon food and egg dye. She was so happy to be playing in the "paint" as she called it. (She's in a big watercolor phase). It was all over my tile and all over her hands. My grout now has a lovely purple hue about it. I tried everything, short of bleach, to get it off her hands but nothing worked. It is dye afterall. So for now, Hayden has a big purple thumb and I actually think she kind of likes it.
DIY Wood Console Table
2 days ago
Oh my, she is a feisty little gal! On the neon bright least she didn't try to color her hair!