I finally did it. I cleaned out my closet FOR REAL. Usually when I say I'm cleaning out my closet I actually mean that I'm going to pick up all the clothes that have been accumulating on my closet floor, hang them, and rearrange things a bit. On some occasions I will give a shirt or two to my best friends. This is safe, you see, because if you ever realize that you will, in fact, wear it again, you can borrow it back. I actually called my friend, Molly, a few months ago to borrow a pair of shoes I had just given her! So today I actually cleaned it out. I had a heart to heart with myself and made the decision I was finally letting stuff go...never to return again. Oh, the black shirt with the fringy trim that I wore all throughout my sophmore year of college....it's gone. I have been telling myself for years that I WILL wear that shirt again. I have been in denial apparently. The shirt is just not cute any more. On and on I went, throwing shirts, skirts and dresses onto my bathroom floor. My criteria became: If you haven't worn it in the past two years, you are obviously never going to wear it again (cocktail dresses exluded, of course). So now when you see me wearing the same four outfits over and over again you'll know why. You watch, next year black shirts with fringy trim will be sooo in.
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