So remember how at the end of my last post about my house I said "tomorrow I'll show pictures of my bedroom"? I don't know why I said that. I should have said 'someday' because the truth is, my room is never picked up enough for me to photograph. I keep thinking to myself: "Self, you really should make your bed just once so you can take a pretty picture of your headboard." Alas, it never happens. It will just have to be a goal of mine.
One of the reasons I love my mother....she loves shoes like I do. Even better, when we come across a sale where the shoes are 30% off the already marked down price, she gets excited like I do. Even better than that, when she sees how completely adorable two pairs of shoes are on my feet she tells me she wants to get them for me because she totally appreciates their cuteness.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Yes, I am well aware that I am just shy of six feet without shoes and that these 4 in. heels make me an Amazon. Do I care? Not one iota. (Ok, I just looked up iota in the dictionary to make sure it was a real word and not just one my mom made up because that has happened. Turns out it is.) There are countless non-superficial reasons I love my mother too. They just don't photograph as beautifully. :)
You know those times when your daughter really wants to go jump in the rain puddles and you realize she doesn't have rain boots so you go to her closet to see what will work and you spot the pink cowboy boots that you received as a baby shower gift but you remember they are two sizes too big but you go ahead and make your daughter wear them anyway and she can barely walk but she still manages to jump in the puddles and you somehow manage to get the perfect picture of the water splashing up which never happens but it somehow did? Yeah, that happened yesterday.
Note that she had to bring her little rubber ducky key chain out with her because that's what you do when you're gonna jump in rain puddles. Cutie Patootie.

Ok, I have been wanting to make a large corkboard for my laundry room since the beginning of time but the large pieces of cork to make it happen haven't been in our budget of "neccessary items".Weeellllll, I was helping my mother-in-law clean out Ryan's Granny's house (she is now in assisted living) and I came across two super-big corkboards. Yay! I brought them home, had Ryan pry off the frames, and nailed them up on the wall to look like one large piece of cork. I measured and drew lines to divide the overall board up into nine squares. Then I started painting away. I'm not finished with the zebra but I thought I'd show the progress. For me, the laundry room is a place that doesn't have to match the rest of your decor. Kinda like a kids room, you can do whatever you want and make it fun. Here are a couple of pics. I will take more as I finish the other little laundry room projects I have brewing up there in my mind. It's a scary place, my mind.

You can see a coat hanger next to the corkboard. Does anyone have any good ideas for what I could paint above it? Like a cute phrase or something. In the open space above my washer and dryer I am going to paint it to say "Domestic Diva at Work". Any of you who know me know that this will be done with total sarcasm. Above the door leading into the kitchen I am in the process of painting a sign that says "Welcome Home". Anway, I just feel like there needs to be one or two words above that rack. Ideas anyone?
Well, I hope all of you have a great week. I don't know how much I'll be able to write this week because our CF Walk is on Saturday and I'll have preparation stuff to be doing. I'm sure I'll come back with cute pics.
Until next time, my friends.
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