So...last week Linda called to say we are shooting in a mechanics garage...in all white. Then she said this!......."there is a new guy at the YSL counter in Dillards here from LA and he used to do makeup for America's Next Top Model and he's GOING TO DO YOUR MAKEUP"!!!!! Ok, people, if you know me you know I was slightly freaking out after she said that. I met him tonight and his name is Johnny and here he is:

Aaaaanddd, here's his makeup:

This really is going to be a great spread I think. It was really fun and the backdrop ended up being so cool. I totally got to pose in this car:
Here is my friend Cortney shooting me a grin in between pics. She and I model together quite a bit but this is our first Oklahoman shoot together. Love that girl.

Here is Chris photographing Cortney:

And here's the back of Linda's head. She refused to let me take a picture of her face so you'll just have to admire her cute razored bob.

No pics of me since I was taking them all. I'll post a link to the finished product when it comes out at the beginning of June. In the meantime, you should all go to the Yves Saint Laurent counter at the Penn Square Dillards and have Johnny Bruner do your makeup. You'll be able to say that someone who did makeup for Miss J has done your makeup AND you'll look fan-tabulous. I promise.
how fun!! I can't wait to see the picture!