First off, let's take a little stroll down memory lane, shall we?
GS 2007
GS 2008
GS 2009

New pic, new colors, new big girl. Man, how does that happen?Ok, here we are arriving at the walk. This was four minutes before the first downpour.
Hayden playing with her Crazy Uncle Natey. This is actually what we call Nathan. This picture was taken in between downpour one and two. Or maybe it was between two and three. I forget.
This is Hayden's CF doctor, Dr. Santiago Reyes. He da MAN!!!!!
This is Hayden getting her Hero of Our Hearts Award. In case you can't tell, she's terrified.

Can't imagine why when this big dude was the one passing out the awards. 
Just so you know, Rumble, Hayden loves you in pictures and videos on the computer. It's just that, in real life you're a little much for a two year old. It's not your fault. With a kid who is still scared of the Easter Bunny, you didn't stand a chance. This is me saying "Don't worry Haydie, he is waaaaaaaayy over there."
We soon recovered. This picture is a perfect example of why we call him "Crazy" Uncle Natey.

Another awesome Great Strides. Even with all the downpours.
I so wish I could have been there!!!