I have always told people who ask me if Hayden's hair is a pain to fix ,"Yes, because it's like she has two separate heads of hair!" The bottom half is straight and fine and the top is coarse and very wavy. It totally wants to do it's own thing. I have to confess I have used a straightening iron on her since she turned two. Well, every now and then I like to go back through all my pictures on my computer and just look at the ones of Hayden to see how much she's changed in the past three years. I came across these and just had to share. It's total proof of how crazy her hair is. Granted, this was right after a nap but it's not far off from what it is actually like. It's just longer now. These pictures are priceless.

Hayden, I'm pretty sure that first pic is going to have to go in the senior video at church someday. Won't you just love me for that?
What a hoot! She'll grow up to be a master hair stylist because of what she has to go through to tame her hair!