Do you ever have those moments where you can instantly tell that God put you there? Sometimes it is for your benefit and sometimes it is to help others. Today was one of those days for me.
I take Hayden to gymnastics on Thursday mornings and, even though I have pulled her from school, something told me to keep taking her to "nastics". She has made a new friend in class this session and her name is Jaycee. This session has been going on for weeks and I have always noticed Jaycee's mom and little brother but, until last week, we had never spoken.
Last week I decided to sit near her and strike up a conversation. She was very nice and her little boy, Brock, who will soon be a year old, is completely adorable. We got onto to the subject of swine flu and about how scary it is for those of us with small children. I mentioned that Hayden has cystic fibrosis and that I had pulled her from school. She asked me some questions about Hayden and her story and we continued on with the normal chit chat until class was finished.
This morning at class I sat down behind her and joyfully announced I had gotten my new Ballard Designs catalog in the mail and that I had brought it along to look through during class. It never got opened.
She turned to me and instantly told me that Brock had been diagnosed with luekemia over the weekend. Tears welled up in my eyes immediately as I listened to her tell me that he had suddenly, just since last week, developed a pin-prick looking rash, blood blisters in his mouth, and bruises on his face that couldn't be explained. Within a weekend their life had changed.
She told me that she still came to class because they were trying to keep everything as normal as possible for Jaycee. Brock has already started blood transfusions and chemo and it is a lot for their family to get used to, especially a three-year-old little girl.
There was such strength in Vanessa. She talked about her faith and how it is getting them through. Some people would fall apart but here she was at Oklahoma Gold not even a week later, talking to me about it while she let her little girl jump on the trampolines and swing from the trapeze for some normalcy.
She looked at me and said, "I don't mean this to sound weird, like I'm glad Hayden has CF or anything, but I am so glad that you were here and that you have been in this position because you understand what I'm going through." She knew that I understood the pain you feel when a doctor tells you there is something wrong with your child-that I have felt that fear and have experienced that heartache. We talked about how we had both had an intuition during pregnancy that something wasn't quite right. We talked about prayer, and how you can't fully explain to someone who hasn't experienced it that you can actually feel the love and prayer surrounding your child and your family. How it can bring you an unexplicable calm in what is your hardest hour.
I don't know that Vanessa and I really have much in common. She said she used to be a high school math teacher. To say that math is a challenge for me would be a major understatement. But instantly we do have something in common. We are bonded by something we would never have chosen to be a part of but are making the best of.
I looked at her and told her something my mom told me after Hayden's diagnosis. "God chose you to be Brock's parents. He picked you to take care of His son because He knew you could do it. He knows your strength." "I know", she replied.
I know full well that everything in life is part of God's plan. With Hayden's CF it has been shown to me over and over again. In talking to Vanessa I can tell she knows it too.
Please pray for Brock. Thank you.
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2 days ago
What a blessing you are to that mom! It's truly amazing what God can do with our lives when we listen to His calling. I'll definitely be keeping Vanessa's family and yours in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhen God gave you sweet Hayden, He knew that you would use your strength to help others. God put on your heart to strike up a friendship with that mom because He knew she needed you. You are fulfilling His purpose and He will bless you richly. Thank you for sharing this story. Pray without ceasing for Hayden and for Brock!