Here's the starting line. Yeah, I can't find him.
Aaaaannnnnnddddd, here's my husband's body. Here's him crossing the finish line. Oh how I wish it were closer so his facial expression was bigger. I'm pretty sure that you would hear "Chariots of Fire" playing in your head just like me.
Chatting it up with some other VERY RECENT alumni:
And here he is giving Hayden his medal. That's right. I said medal. Out of those basquillion teenagers my husband came in 9th overall. WAY TO GO, HUBBY! I am very proud of you. But listen, if your weight comes within 10 pounds of mine we're going to have to talk.
Ok, Ryan story number 2: So, I have a had a rough couple of days. I am doing much better so I won't go into any details but my sweet hubster came home last night with ...
and...and last but certainly not least (in fact, it may be the most important)...
There were actually three chocolate bars last night. I honestly have no idea what could have happened to the other two so quickly.
So I got to go to bed last night eating milk chocolate and catching up on if Bradley Cooper is dating Jen or Renee, what drama is going on with the Gosselins and checking out who was on the worst dressed list this week. It was heaven.
Babe, you're the best. I'm a lucky gal.
what a thoughtful husband! we need to get our families together soon!