I go back and forth between being obsessed with craft project blogs and home decorating idea blogs. I think because we are coming into Spring I am way more interested in the latter. I tell you that once you start looking at these blogs you cannot stop! You find one cute one and you see her blogroll. So you think "Oh, I'll just look over here and see who she looks at. Here house is so cute that I'm sure the houses she looks at are cute too...". And you know what?.....I'm right. They are SO CUTE/PRETTY! The thing is, looking at one, two or even three beautifully decorated houses gives me inspiration -looking at the 15-20 I have found is just making me be totally underwhelmed and unsatisfied with my own house!!! Thus begins a very dangerous cycle. It all started with the buffet table in my kitchen dinette area. I decided I didn't like the arrangement anymore so I decided to come up with something else. Well, since I don't have a huge "blow-money-on-the-house" fund, I was going to have to pull items for the table from other places in my house. Sooooo, after getting the table looking better I then had holes all over my kitchen counters. Well, we can't have that! So I pulled things from the bathroom and living room for the counters.....You see the cycle! Anyway, in case you are like me and you love drooling over other people's houses just a dreamin' away that yours will maybe someday even slightly resemble them, I thought I'd list some of the new one's I have found for your viewing pleasure. Just don't say I didn't warn you....
DIY Wood Console Table
2 days ago
I do that too!!! What a vicious cycle, LOL! You're in it for life, Alyssa. I've been doing it since I was old enough to move my own bedroom furniture when I was a kid! I love blog-hopping!
This post made me think of this quote I recently saw:
ReplyDelete"I like to do this myself at least once a year. Take every last loose piece on every surface — photos, vases, candlesticks, books, magazines — whatever is cluttering up your vision and chances are you no longer even see. Put them on a counter in the kitchen, then redeploy in new arrangements. But only use half of them. Put the rest into a closet for a free shopping spree the next time around." -Jamie Drake
So - you are in good company. If you ever need other design blogs to drive you crazy (with love & then frustration), I visit about a million a day & am happy to share. It makes me want to redo our place about once a week. Also - visit me here for other ideas...
Love following your blog & seeing how you guys are doing.
XOXO. Sonchia (Justin Clifton's fiance - I know it has been a long time since we have seen you guys)