She is so stinkin' funny! The things that come out of her mouth can make me laugh so hard I completely forget anything about my day that was making me cranky. I have been working on potty training off and on for months now. I know parts of it have clicked for her but the part where she recognizes she needs to go all by herself?...not so much. Anyway, I praise her like crazy any time she uses the potty successfully and she usually gets something like a sticker or chocolate chip. Yesterday she followed me to the bathroom (I can't remember the last time I used the bathroom all by myself!) and talked my ear off until she heard me "go potty". She got so excited and said "Ohhhh, momma! You went tinkle! Come here so I can give you a hug. You get two pinecones!!!" If only I'd known how exciting pinecones were to her. I could have saved a lot of money at Christmas!
Yesterday evening, she said "Yeah, momma, I just have something I need to do todaymorrow." Ryan and I were wondering if that would technically be somewhere around midnight?
This morning she came up to me to tell me she put Baby Sophie (her bitty baby) in her stroller and said "I just don't know about her".
I realize that I will probably find these things funnier than anyone else on the planet but, man, she makes me laugh. I'm still waiting on my pinecones, by the way.
Edited to add: After bath this evening, while Ryan was cleaning out Hayden's ears with a Q-Tip, she looked at me and said, "Daddy's getting the poopy out of my ears." Gotta love it.