Sunday, February 14, 2010

The next Heidi Klum...

Hayden has been absolutely cracking me up lately! Each morning when she wakes up I can hear her go to the bathroom, flush the potty, and then retreat to her bedroom for her daily ritual - the ritual of dressing herself in a head-to-toe outfit that is, um, special. Each morning she will walk into our bedroom and say "Momma, do you love it?!" Then I ooooh and aaaaah over her for a while. The next part of the ritual is that she asks me to get the camera so she "can do some poses". I am trying not to laugh hysterically as she is doing these poses. I swear, people, I have not taught her these! I have compiled some and I thought I would share her amazing fashion sense with you.
And my favorite....You better watch your back, Rachel Zoe. There's a new stylist in town. She tells me that feathered tiaras are all the rage right now.

The only problem with this daily occurance is that, in the process of picking out each amazing ensemble, the completely tears her room apart. She is flinging things out of drawers and baskets and pulling things off hangers.....I have completely given up on trying to keep it picked up.

Here are some pics of Hayden's room after I have picked it up and put everything in its place:
And here's what it looks like after she has completely destroyed it in search of the perfect pants, skirt, shirt, shirt to go over that shirt, socks, shoes, headband and bow to clip on the headband:I bet Heidi would never let her closet look like that.


  1. Hysterical! And just wait until she's a teenager!!! Oh my gosh, it will be ten times worse. But, really , she's a need to capitalize on this talent! Hugs to her...

  2. Gee, Mom she learned from the best if you look at the colors you matched in her room she is following your scheme to perfection she is a Diva in the making and she must experiment MOM

  3. Too cute! My 4 year old BOY is very into picking out his outfits (typically wranglers, pearl snap, & boots) and his room ends up looking the same. I really want to encourage his independence...but I don't want to deal with that mess everyday :)
