Her actual birthday isn't until this Sunday but since Saturday is July 4th I decided to have it the weekend before. It was a pony party! Our friends have miniature horses on their land and were sweet enough to offer to have Hayden's party at their house. It was very fun. The kids got to go in a pet, brush and feed the horses. We then had races with the stick ponies I had made as party favors. I will never do this again! Turns out it takes FOR-EV-ER to make 17 stick ponies. Oh well, they looked cute. After cupcakes and presents we ended with a horse pinata. Here are some pics...Hayden sat here to open her presents. Yes, I took the OCD to the next level and made her an outfit to match the party theme. I might have even cover a headband in bandana the night before for me to wear with my cowboy boots. It's an illness. It really is.